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Moving To A Retirement Community: The Decision Of A Lifetime.

But on the Chesapeake Bay, it can be just another family vacation.

It’s smooth sailing once they get here, but we know that the route to making that decision can be a little choppy at times: costs, moving, new lifestyle, making friends, concerns about the future…

But we’re a special, non-profit, Life Plan Community, and we try to ease the flow of decision-making by providing you and your parents with as much information and flexibility as possible. And that includes various fee structures, refundable plans, and fellowship assistance from the Westminster-Canterbury Foundation.

Call 800-753-2918 to find out more, or click here to contact us.

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A promotional image for an event series called New Horizons Series held January through March at Westminster-Canterbury on Chesapeake Bay. The event focuses on physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Includes an RSVP button.