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Pre-hab: Our Way Of Saying Congratulations, Even Before The Procedure.

Life’s easy on the Chesapeake Bay. Recovery should be just as easy.

Our Pre-hab program provides you with steps you can take in advance of your procedure or operation so when it is complete, you can once again take the giant leaps you’re used to.

We work with you and your physician to customize an orthopedic regimen that helps build strength and endurance. That way, recovery goes as smoothly as possible. We’re there for you before and after your procedure or operation, and make sure you know all the Rehabilitation options that are available.

Beginning with a one-on-one consultation, Pre-hab develops a program just for you in our state-of-the-art fitness center, which you’re entitled to use for up to six weeks prior to your procedure. It’s all included in the nominal fee.

To sign up or find out more about Pre-hab, click here to contact us today, or call 800-753-2918. Also read up on some of our many Senior Living Solutions.

“The staff’s care and concern for patients’ well-being is amazing. And it continues while I participate in outpatient physical therapy. My experience in the prehab program and physical therapy fortifies my decision to move to WCCB. It was a smart one.” -Ann Dearman, resident

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A promotional image for an event series called New Horizons Series held January through March at Westminster-Canterbury on Chesapeake Bay. The event focuses on physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Includes an RSVP button.